Kampung Warna Warni Jodipan Malang – Malang City is more vibrant and full of color after the colorful village which is located in 2 tourist villages of Jodipan and Kesatrian. The houses are located in 2 villages east of Embong Brantas bridge were painted with various colors (reportedly there are 17 colors) as well as striking on the walls and roofs of houses, streets, chicken coops, poles etc. The place that once looked shabby, has now become more unsightly because of it.
The colorful village is a new tourist attraction in Malang City, which will make Malang city as the main tourist destination, not only as a transit city or a resort for a trip to Batu City or Malang Regency. The tourists who come to the city of Malang can set aside time to visit this brand-new attraction.
In this nnoart review, I will only review about Kampung Wisata Jodipan (KWJ) better known as the colorful village of Malang, although there is a village of Tridi Kesatrian beside it which is also full of colorful. When viewed from the top of the bridge Embong Brantas, Kampung Wisata Jodipan (KWJ) is a colorful village that is on the south (right) of the river while on the north (left of the river) is Kampung Tridi (3D / Tiga Dimensi).
Location Kampung Warna Warni Jodipan Malang
Kampuan Warna Warni Jodipan is located at Jalan IR. H. Juanda, Kelurahan Jodipan, Blimbing District, Malang City. The residents of Jodipan Village – RW 02 – RT 06, 07 and 09 or better known as the Juanda village, are the locations of the houses that are painted in these colors.
The location can be seen from the bridge Embong Brantas (Jalan Gatot Subroto), which is located only 500 meters from Malang City Station. From Alun Alun Tugu and Alun Alun Kota Malang is about 1 km from Arjosari Terminal about 7.5 km from Karanglo-Singosari T-junction about 8 km from Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport about 12.5 km from the direction Kepanjen city center about 20 km to the north.
To the east of the bridge, there will be a colorful population of villages separated by the Brantas river. To the right (south) of the river is the colorful village of Jodipan. While on the left (north) of the river is the village Tridi (3D) which will be explained in the next post in this blog. Learn more about the location of Kampung Wisata Jodipan or known as Kampung Warna Warni Malang can be seen on Google Map above.
The Origin of Kampung Warna-Warni Malang
The idea of early colorful villages in Malang is initiated by a group of students who are doing public relations (PR) Communication Studies University of Muhammadiyah Malang. This Practicum is the task of PR II subject which obliges the students to organize a event management by holding an institution or company.
A group of 8 students consists of Dinni Anggraeni, Nabila Firdausyiah, Ira Yulia Astutik, Salis Fitria, Ahmad Wiratman, Fahd Afdallah Ramadan, Wahyu Fitri and Elmi Rukhiatun. They named this group GuysPro (Guys of Public Relations), the activities of this group (related to the colorful village) can be seen on instagram @guyspro.
These students want the Juanda village in Jodipan which has been known to be a slum cleaner and can change the behavior of residents about sanitation and habits of residents who often throw garbage in the river. Dipilhnya Juanda village because the location can be seen directly from the bridge Embong Brantas Jalan Gatot Subroto, so when finished in the paint, will be an interesting scene. This colorful village inspiration comes from the colorful plaid house in Favela Village, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Guyspro then offered this idea to the locals and the idea was instantly approved. Furthermore, to realize the concept of this colorful village, Guyspro invites cooperation of PT. Core Power For Color (INDANA). Gayung Bersama, PT INDANA makes this Kampadi Warna Village as part of their CSR program, as a form of social awareness to the city of Malang. Finally this CSR program runs under the name “Decofresh Warnai Jodipan”.
To paint the wall to the roof of the house in this village, they involve the mural community as well as the artists. Painting is done by a painter provided by PT Indana, Guyspro team and local residents. For high house painting, assistance was obtained from the 461 Task Force (Paskhas) TNI AU Malang. Residents who do not participate paint, usually help in the affairs of consumption and so forth. The number of houses painted in Jodipan reaches 100 units. The amount of paint spent on coloring this colorful village reaches 3 tons of Decofresh with 15 color variants.
When finished in the paint, this village immediately attract the attention of people who cross the bridge and make tourist visits to the village increased Juanda. Residents who used to keep the village clean and often dump garbage in the river are now embarrassed to do so because of the large number of tourists coming.
The plans of a group of students who want to change the local community’s behavior on sanitation and hygiene have resulted in tremendous impacts, not just changing local behaviors, but creating a new tourist attraction in Malang that can bring in tourists up to more than 500 at the weekend. The economy of the local community also gets better, especially those that open kiosk businesses, shops, stalls and so on.
Not only the village of Juanda in the Village Jodipan just used as a village of colorful, village in the north of the river (Kelurahan Kesatrian) is also the next painted with the concept of 3-dimensional images dominate the walls of the citizens home.For a review on Kampung Tridi, can be read in the blog this nnoart too.
SOURCE : http://www.nnoart.com/2016/12/kampung-warna-warni-jodipan-malang-wisata-keren-baru.html