Banten Province is westernmost province in Java Island, bordered with Jakarta, West Java, Java Sea, Sunda Straight, and Indian Ocean. Serang is the capital. In general, Banten is divided into two areas of different characteristic. The northern part near Jakarta, including Tangerang and Serang is fast growing area with rapid modernization both infrastructure and the people. The southern part, including Lebak and Pandeglang is more traditional with reserved nature.
Cities and Regencies of Banten Province
Banten Province consists of 4 cities and 4 regencies. The cities are Serang, Cilegon, Tangerang, and South Tangerang. The regencies are Lebak, Pandeglang, Serang, and Tangerang.
How to Get In
Indonesia’s biggest airport, Soekarno-Hatta International Airport is located in Banten. International tourists from major cities around the world could directly fly to Banten. Domestic transportations from Jakarta and West Java are including trains, buses, and car. You can also get in by bus or car from Sumatra. Jakarta-Merak major highway is running on Banten northern coast. Ferry terminal in Banten is connected to Lampung in Sumatra.
Popular Destinations
Must to visit destination is Banten Grand Mosque as the landmark of the province. Beaches are next, including Anyer Beach, Carita Beach, and Tanjung Lesung Beach. To meet the indigenous people of Banten, visit Baduy Village. Last but very important is Ujung Kulon National Park where the very vurnerable endangered Javan Rhino
is living.