South Sumatra Province is a province located in the southern part of Sumatra Island. The province has a capital of Palembang. In addition, the province also has a wealth of natural resources such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Province jug has many attractive tourist destinations. Moreover, the food is typical of this province is known as pempek that is very popular to a wide range of areas outside the province.
Cities and regencies
Province in the southern part of Sumatra Island has 13 districts and 4 cities. Districts can be listed among other Banyuasin, Empat Lawang, Lahat, Muara Enim, Banyuasin, Musi Rawas, and Ogan Ilir. While, there are some cities in the province include the Palembang, Pagar Alam, Lubuk Linggau, and Prabumulih.
How to get in
The province also provides plenty of access and transport links will make it easier for anyone who wants to visit the region. one infrastructure that support their travel is S.M Badaruddin II airport that is located in the city of Palembang, Banding Agung Airport that is located in the district of Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan, and Tanjung Enim airport that is located in regency Muara Enim. In addition to a few airports, the province also has a port that is Port of Palembang and Special Port Kerta Pati.
Popular destinations
Besides has a wealth of natural resources, the province also has some must-see tourist destinations such as the Ampera Bridge
, Rumah Limas, Punti Kayu Forest, Palembang Grand Mosque, Goa Putri, Niagara Angel, Tanjung Setia Beach, as well as Kemaro Island.