Let’s Take A Vacation to Kampung Warna Warni Malang

Let’s Take A Vacation to Kampung Warna Warni Malang


Route Towards Kampung Warna Warni Malang

Kampung Warna Warni Jodipan Malang is located in Kampung Juanda, Jodipan Urban Village, Malang City. The location is just 500 meters to the south of Malang city station. Visitors who come from out of town by train and get off at Malang city station, can walk, take a pedicab, motorcycle taxi or public transportation to the south (turn left after exit the station).


After passing the gas station on the right of the road, there is an intersection under the train tracks. Turn right here until it reaches Embong Brantas bridge. On the left of the road at the base of the bridge is the entrance to Kampung Tridi, while the entrance to the colorful village of Jodipan is located at the end of the bridge.


Well, the above is the route when you come to the city of Malang by train. If you drive from the city of Malang, Malang Regency, Batu or Surabaya city, keep in mind some important locations that are not too far from Kampung Wisata Jodipan such as Malang City Station, Alun Alun Tugu, Alun Alun Kota and Pasar Besar.


For more details I attach a route map to Kampung Warna Warni Jodipan from Google Map with route starting from St.Ijen which you can still change its departure point with your own choice, for example from Alun Alun Kota Malang, from Terminal Arjosari or even from Kepanjen. To change the point of departure, can click on ‘more options’, then change the starting point box of departure with the location you want. Here is the route to the colorful kampong of Malang.





City Transport Towards Kampung Warna Warni Malang


To choose an angkot in Malang City that route to this colorful village, you should choose an angkot route that passes Embong Brantas Bridge (Jl Gatot Subroto) or Jl. Ir. Juanda in Kelurahan Jodipan. In addition, at least select the city transportation that passes through Malang city station, after that get off on foot / ride pedicab (as far as 500 meters) or ride to another angkot to the village of colorful. Here is the City of Angkot Malang that you can ride:


Line ABG / ABH, AJG / AJH, AMG / AMH and MT

Through the bridge Embong Brantas (Jalan Gatot Subroto) or Jl. IR Juanda, can go directly to the location.


Line ADL, AL and MM

Get off at Malang City Station, need to walk or take a pedicab as far as 500 meters to Jodipan tourist village, also can ride public transportation again ABG / ABH or AJG / AJH line.




Hotels or Accommodations near Kampung Warna Warni Malang


If you are looking for hotels or inns near the colorful hinterland of Malang, I include the closest hotel information to the order by distance. If you happen to be staying at a hotel or guesthouse below and do not know about the nearby Color Village nearby, you might as well go for a trip to Kampung Wisata Jodipan or maybe to Kampung Tridi Kesatrian. Here is the list:

 Hotel Ollino Garden (***): ± 350 meters

 Hotel Margosuko (*): ± 400 meters

 Hotel Tosari (*): ± 450 meters

 Lily Guest House (*): ± 600 meters

 Hotel Aloha (*): ± 650 meters

 The grand Inn of MS: ± 650 meters

 Hotel Malang (*): ± 700 meters

 MADOR Malang Dorm Hostel: ± 700 meters

 Hotel Santosa (*): ± 750 meters)



Kampung Naga

Kampung Naga

Kampung Naga is a hamlet located in the area of Neglasari Village, Salawu District, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia.


Kampung Naga is a village which is inhabited by a community in a very strong tradition of holding the remainder ancestors. The differences are visible when compared with other communities outside Kampung Naga. The community are living in the framework of an atmosphere in a traditional simplicity and environmental wisdom.


Kampung Naga is located not far from the main road that connects with the city of Garut Tasikmalaya. Villages are located in a fertile valley, with the boundaries, in the West Village by Naga forest. The forest is sacred because it is located in the ancestral cemetery. In the south is the rice fields, and in the north and east are surrounded by river Ciwulan, which the source of water comes from Mount Cikuray in Garut. The distance from the town of Tasikmalaya to Kampung Naga is approximately 30 kilometers, while the distance from the city of Garut is 26 kilometers. To reach Kampung Naga from Garut, Tasikmalaya, people must climb down the ladder in the wall (Sunda: sengked) to the bank of the river Ciwulan with the slope about 45 degrees with a distance of approximately 500 meters. Then through the paths into Kampung Naga. The settlement is easier to visit than the most ancient Sundanese village in Baduy.

According to the data from Neglasari village, the surface soil of Kampung Naga hills with those used for land productivity can be fertile. Area of land in Kampung Naga is one of half a hectare, mostly used for housing, yards, ponds, and the rest is used for agriculture rice harvested twice a year.


The preservation of the village has been supported by national government beginning during the Suharto presidency, and it has been described as part of the “public face of regulation in Suharto’s Indonesia”.[2] The government provided concrete steps which connected the village to the outside world and battery powered radios as gifts for the village; tour guides were government-trained and reiterated the Naga people’s desire for: self-sufficiency; the continuation of their traditions; and their desire to be model citizens.

Source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kampung_Naga

English village of Pare

English village of Pare

Kalend Osein, The originator of the English village of Pare


Basic English Course. The forerunner of the English village of Pare, Kediri.

The English village of Pare is a nickname for settlements located along Anyelir Street, Brawijaya Street, Kemuning Street in Tulungrejo Village and Pelem Village, Pare Sub-district, Kediri Regency, East Java. The village has grown into a place of learning English. As a place to learn, the daily scene in the English village of Pare is like a student complex. Dominated by the frenzied activity of people who are studying exclusively during the holiday season, this village is not inferior to learning places, students, workers or the general public who spend their time to learn while traveling. People who study in Kampung not only from Indonesia also from abroad like Malaysia, Thailand, Timor Leste, and others.

History of English Village Pare

Originally in Tulungrejo Village there was only one library: English, the Basic English Course (BEC). BEC was established on June 15, 1977. Founded by Kalend Osein, this institution became the pioneer of the establishment of the English Village in Pare, Kediri. Starting in 1976, Kalend Osein is a santri from Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan who studied at Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor, Ponorogo, East Java. Stepping on fifth grade at the cottage, Kalend lim bench for not being able to spend on education. Even the cost to go back home is also not there. In the difficult conditions, one of the people who work in Pare, Kediri who work outside the language. Ustadz is named KH Ahmad Yazid. Kalendalah who intend to learn with minimal hope to master one or two languages. He lived and studied without paying fees at Pesantren Darul Falah, Pelem Village, Pare Sub-district owned by Ustadz Yazid.

One day, two students came to study English to Ustadz Yazid in preparation for another two-week state trial to be held at his campus, IAIN Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, East Java. At that time Ustadz Yazid was going to Majalengka, West Java. Students are on duty to study at Kalend by the wife of Ustadz Yazid. Kalend undertakes the demand and teaching and learning process in the mosque’s porch of the pesantren area. The lesson was short but intensive for five days. A month later the two students returned and preached to Kalend they had passed the exam.

The success of the two students was spread among IAIN Sunan Ampel students, Surabaya and their well-known seniors by learning to Kalend Osein. At that time, on June 15, 1977, Kalend founded an institution called Basic English Course (BEC) in Singgahan Hamlet, Pelem Village, Pare Sub-district, Kediri. Initial class there are only six students. The students are not only learning English but also religious knowledge. For ten years Kalend developed his course institution. Slowly the BEC became widely recognized and more and more wanted to study at the BEC. Due to the high interest of the public about the English language, more days the number of sessions more. Category: BEC also publishes several branches with different names, namely Happy English Course (HEC 2) and Effective English Conversation (EECC). In the early 1990s, Kalendaling the BEC alumni to create events for students who did not get quotas due to membludaknya enthusiasts who want to study at the BEC. Slowly everywhere in Pare Makin grows and the development of the village. Currently, calling more than 250 agencies in Kampung Inggris.

Learning Methods English Village Pare

After exploring a fairly rapid development, most places in Kampung UK now have the same learning concept:

  1. Learning activities in Kampung Inggris start every 10th and 25th of the year.
  2. Institutions usually divide the program in duration of 2 weeks and 1 month. But some places have long-term programs. Typically, programs for people who want to be proficient introduced English.
  3. The day of study is Monday – Friday. Special classes of IELTS, TOEFL and TOEIC, Saturday is a simulation of what is learned.
  4. Frequency of study in Kampung Inggris is 2-3 times per meeting per day. One meeting duration of 1.5 hours
  5. The learning system is in Classroom. One class consists of 20 – 30 people per class. But this depends on the policy.
  6. Payment services vary. Costs ranging from tens of thousands to millions. Depending on the program you want to learn, the institution of cultivation, and the duration of learning.

Source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kampung_Inggris_Pare


Simpang Lima Gumul

Simpang Lima Gumul

If you ever hear the name of L’arch D ‘ Triomphe, that is the popular monument on France. But you don’t need go to abroad, because there is a similar monument in Kediri, it is Simpang Lima Gumul Monument.


The Monument is resembles of L’arch D ‘ Triomphe in France that stands majestically in the midst of an Simpang Lima Gumul – Kediri is pride of Kediri city, East Java, development into the new city of Gumul in Kediri Regency. The differences, this monument has the spirit of the founding of Kediri District this monument so it is like five intersection Gumul in position right in the middle line of five streets North Pare, Kediri, Plosoklaten, Pesantren, and Pamenang.


The monument has a building area of 804 square metres, there are 3 ladder 3 metres of the base of the temple, and 25 meters high so that if we are on the roof of the monument we can see the whole panorama of Kediri and transformations project this trade development the overall area of 37 Ha. Monument hand carved reliefs of Kediri has history of Arts and culture to Kediri that exist now. Large numbers and high monument also reflect the date, month and year anniversary Regency Kediri, March 25, 804 CE.


Kediri monument located at Simpang Lima Gumul is an icon of Kediri Regency. Just a ± 6 km (± 10 minutes) from the city of Kediri or ± 120 km (CA. 2.5 hours) from Juanda international airport in Surabaya. This area is projected to become the new town and the Central Business District of East Java have started to equip themselves with the convention hall and Multipurpose Building, Bank, Bus terminal area between the town and the MPU, and magnificent Water Park recreations Gumul Paradise Island.


This area is always full of visitors in the evening by relaxing in the monument area or enjoying a traditional cuisine that is selling in street vendors who lined the Tugu market area. On the weekend morning and holiday, this area is crowded by visitors to jogging track, gathering with family, and also enjoy the hectic market Saturday week. The government of Kediri will design for future, this area will include hotels, malls, shops, wholesale Center, Tourism Information Centre and the World Trade Centre.


Source: https://eastjava.com/blog/2015/02/04/3435/

“Drajat Pass Garut” suitable for family holidays

“Drajat Pass Garut” suitable for family holidays

This place is perfect for family holidays. Usually people are looking for a beautiful scenery in the afternoon and even morning … that would be cool … Romantic Holidays too.

The hotel has room available, the rooms are clean and tidy, the service is also quite good. There is also parking in the hotel although limited. But the parking lot is scattered everywhere. It feels when it is on the breath of relief, free from pollution, seemed above the sky especially if the clouds cover in the natural surroundings. You need to try it, an alternative vacation spot, make sure your family can have fun

The location is located approximately 3 km to the right of the road after Puncak Jaya Darajat. This tourist attraction has a large area and presents a variety of interesting holiday facilities include:

– Hot Spring Water Pool

There are 2 public swimming pools available for adults with different types. Some have medium depth with medium-temperature hot water, and some also have a depth of up to 170cm with temperate temperatures above medium temperatures. there is also a hot water reagent pool for children which is quite spacious and has been equipped with waterboom facilities as well as spilled buckets.

– Other facilities

There are many traditional gazebos to relax the visitors. There are also facilities flying fox that can be enjoyed by visitors who want to try courage. For campany or family who want to do gathering, Darajat Pass may be an option because the outbound activity is possible here.

-Restaurant / Canteen

Here is available 24 hours restaurant, especially in the weekand

– Lodging

Available lodging and hotels with various types that can be tailored to the needs. Prices range from 300,000 to 3,500,000 / night.

– Are Parking

The parking area is very wide so it allows dozens of large bus parking here.

– Ticket price

Ticket prices are very affordable. Only with 30.000 rupiah, you can enjoy all the facilities in it except the game flying fox, usually subject to additional costs.

Find out, what is it, garden of Ancol wooden house dining?

Find out, what is it, garden of Ancol wooden house dining?


People here call it, as “Taman Santap Rumah Kayu Air Ancol” , Located within Taman Impian Jaya Ancol.

Rumah kayu offers a food experience that is interesting enough to try, like eating “lesehan” in the hut, on the plane, or at the dinner table.

Finished tour in the Ancol, tourists usually rush to come to Bandar Jakarta to eat seafood. But Taman makan – Rumah kayu is also one recommended to try

It is just behind the Fantasy World. The trees around the restaurant, perfect for enjoying a relaxing time with family.

This restaurant is suitable for families or with loved one. The front of the plane provided a slide and play area for children. In the saung section is also interesting and feels integrated with nature.

However, there are different things and should be tried in this place is lunch / dinner in the cabin plane.

One unit of Boeing 737 400 aircraft belonging to Sriwijaya Air that has been changed and redesigned into a place to eat. The menu offered can be a regular menu or package.

In addition to photos at inside and outside the cabin planes, visitors who choose to eat in the cabin can also pretend to drive the plane. The concept is quite interesting and welcome to linger here.

Ancol Wood House also has a variety of facilities, including Playground, Hall VIP and Hall open with a sound system, LCD projector and more. With such facilities, Rumah Kayu is not only a family-friendly restaurant but is suitable for formal and informal events.

If you wish to visit, do not hesitate, the location is Jalan Lodan Timur 11 No.7, Ancol, North Jakarta.

(behind Dufan or exactly close to the Ancol Beach Festival) Opening Hours: 10:00 – 22:00 Phone: (021) 29704981 Facebook: Taman Santap Rumah Kayu Air Ancol Instagram: Ancol Water Wooden House. Have a good time





West Sumatera Province Tourism  

West Sumatra Province is the location of the Minangkabau people reside. Province has a culture and natural beauty that seems difficult to find his equal so that the province is also known as the last paradise. Moreover, with exoticism owned, the province became one tourist destination for both local and international.


Cities and regencies of  West Sumatera Province


West Sumatra province has its capital in the city of Padang. Administratively, the province is divided into 12 districts and 7 cities. Mentawai Islands District is the largest area in the province. Whereas for the area with the smallest area is in the city of Padang Panjang.


How to Get in


Of course, to support economic activity and provide convenient access for visitors from outside the province, the provincial government of West Sumatra provide various means of transportation both seas, land, or air. In this province there are 8 ports consisting of one sea port and 7 special harbor crossings. In addition, the province also provided two main airports that Rokot Airport located in the Mentawai Islands district and Tabing Airport in Padang. To go to various tourist sites in the province, visitors can use various means of transportation such as renting a car or using a variety of public transportation.


Popular destinations


The province is well known for one of the iconic Jam Gadang that is located in the city of Bukittinggi. In addition, visitors can also visit the Gadang house, Ngarai Sianok, Siberut National Park, as well as Maninjau Lake.

Riau Province Tourism

Riau Province is located in the central part of Sumatra Island and along the shores of the Strait of Malacca. The province is also known as one of the richest provinces in Indonesia with natural resources, especially rubber, petroleum, plantation fibber, natural gas, and oil palm. The provincial capital is Pekanbaru. The city is at the same time as the largest city in the province.


Cities and regencies


Riau province is divided into two cities and 10 counties. Some besra town in the province of Riau is Selat Panjang, Rengat, Dumai, Bangkinang, Bagansiapiapi, and Bengkalis.


How to get in


To go to the Riau province could use a lot of access and paths transportations like by air, land, and sea. In this province, there are several airports, which could be the entrance to reach some areas in the province. There are some airports such as Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport, Japura Rengat airport, Pinang Kampai Dumai Airport, Indragiri Tempuling Airport, Sultan Syarif Haroen II airport, Selari Sei airport, and Pasir Pangaraian airport.


Popular destinations


Privinsi Riau also has many natural tourist destinations like Jemur Island, Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park, Aek Martua Waterfall, Bono tourism, and marine tourism in Siak district. In addition to natural attractions, visitors can also enjoy some cultural and religious tourism destinations such as their ceremonial barge in Bagansiapiapi fuel. In addition, visitors can also visit to Mesjid Raya Pekanbaru, Siak Sri Indrapura Palace, and Muara Takus Temple.

Kepulauan Riau Province Tourism


Kepulauan Riau Province is one among several new provinces in Indonesia. The province was formed since 2002. The province has its capital in Tanjung Pinang. This is one of the island provinces in Indonesia so that the area in the province is dominated by the ocean compared with the region’s land area.


Cities and regencies


The province has five districts namely Bintan, Karimun, Anambas, Lingga and Natuna, and the second city of Batam and Tanjung Pinang.


How to get in


The province is the gateway of foreign travel after the island of Bali. Transport in the province is also a good variety of land, sea, and air. The marine transportation in the region is a motor boat, ferry and speedboat, while for the airline, the province has five airports namely Hang Nadim International Airport, Dabo Airport, Sei Bati Airport, Raja Haji Fisabilillah Airport, and Ranai Airport.


Popular destinations


Although the province is the province with the area that is not too extensive, but the region has some very dear tourist destinations when it missed. Some of the attractions that exist in this province is the tourist beaches in various districts such as Melur Beach, Nongsa Beach, Pelawan beach, Trikora Beach, Bintan and Leisure Park. In addition, the snorkelling lovers should not forget to stop in Natuna. In addition to coastal and maritime travel, the province also offers several cultural and historical attractions such as the Treasure Bay is located in Lagoi, Statue of Goddess Kwan Im, and several other destinations.


Jambi Province Tourism

Jambi Province is a province located in eastern coastal areas in the central part of the island of Sumatra. The province has a provincial capital that has same name with the name of the province. The capital of province is Jambi. The majority of people in this province are derived from the Malay and Javanese.


Cities and regencies


The province has nine districts of Batang, Kerinci, Bungo, Merangin, Muaro, Sarolangun, Tanjung Jabung Barat, Tanjung Jabung Timur, and Tebo. In addition, the province also has two cities of Jambi and Sungai Penuh.


How to get in


To reach the province of Jambi, the visitors from outside the region could use the air. Jambi province has three airports, namely airport in Jambi city named Sultan Thaha Airport, Depati Parbo in Kerinci airport, and Bungo airport. Sultan Taha Syaifuddin Airport is the main airport in the province. From the airport, visitors can use some alternative means of transportation. You can use some public transport, using the services of travel, or renting a vehicle for easy access to a variety of desired destinations.


Popular destinations


Several tourist destinations that can be visited in Jambi Province like Muaro Jambi Temple is National Monument that are the largest temple complex in Indonesia, Tanggo Rajo, a replica of National Monument, Taman Mini and Taman Rimba, and Lake Sipin. For those of you who love history, you should also complement your visit by visiting the Negeri Jambi Museum.