Go Indonesia :: Know More About Tourism Of Nias Island


When we hear the name of Nias Island, we might imagine a traditional stone jumping. However, of course, the island not only has attractions stone jump. We can find a variety of other attraction of this island.

When the field of North Sumatra has a greeting ‘horas’, on the island of Nias, we also find the language very typical greeting is ‘ya’ahowu’. The island has very beautiful natural scenery. Of course, as an island surrounded by seawaters, this island has a very amazing marine tourism as Saroke beach that is the best spot for surfing. In addition to nautical tourism, this island we can also find some of the areas that have its own charm and appeal as Orahili-Gomo, Bawomataluo, and other areas.

Nias has a traditional house made of wood and standing on a rock. The houses have shape like a boat with a stone base as a baseline. Stones that form the basis of a traditional house of Nias has a meaning as the basis of life.

In addition to custom homes, we also get to know a wide selection of other tours of Nias in goindonet or goindonet.com. We can get to know the tradition of Hombo stone. It is one of the most popular traditions in Nias. Tradition of Hombo stone is an attraction stone jump that is very well known.

Know more about the uniqueness of a region through Indonesia will enrich our knowledge on go Indonesia. We can get the complete Indonesian tourism info by accessing the Internet. The information can be useful when we visited to Nias Island later.