Go Indonesia :: Traveling To Indonesia And Enjoy The Wonders

Traveling to Indonesia is about enjoying the

wonders of the archipelago. Wonderful Indonesia has

been the branding in the official Indonesian tourism promotional campaign

for several years. The campaign is focusing in presenting the wonders of

Indonesia to the world so people could decide go Indonesia.

Indeed, Indonesia is wonderful in many ways. The nature is wonderful

due to unique tropical climate and biodiversity in the land and marine

area. The culture is wonderful due to hundreds of ethnic groups and

arrays of influence from Hinduism, Buddhism, Islamic, European, and

Chinese culture. The foods, hospitality of the people, and value for

money are the completion of Wonderful Indonesia.

You may find Bali is the most popular destination but Indonesia has

more than that. In Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara,

and Papua, you can find numbers of enchanted nature and cultural

attractions. Since Indonesia offers arrays of tourism

sites and attractions, it is imperative for you to get

complete indonesia tourism info before your

vacation. It is important to choose your destination and which

sites to visit.

After you choose your destination, the next step is

preparation. Indonesia is tropical country so prepare for the hot

climate. The electricity is 220V, so prepare your gadget to meet the

requirement. The most important thing to prepare is documents needed for

traveling to Indonesia.

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