Gedong Songo Temple can be excellent place for you who adore hiking activity in special space that sure you will get a new experience on there. Yes, this place is included as the Hindu temple built around 8th – 9th centuries. It’s located in Candi Village, Bandungan Sub-District, Central Java. You can reach this place from Semarang
at about 1 hour by using motorcycle or car.
Explore the Beautiful Forest in Gedong Songo Temple
What makes this temple different with the other temples is about its spread temples. As its name—Gedong Songo refers to literal name “nine temples”, this place offers 9 different spot to get the awesome temples. You can start from the first temple at the lower place. Just continue walking until you reach different spots on there.
This temple is also amazing. You can rent a horse for the tour if you prefer to save your leg (seriously, it needs an extra power so you should remember to pack your lunch). The cool air around this temple brings a relaxing situation. There is also a warm water pool that you can enjoy during the exploration. Sounds interesting? Let’s take Gedong Songo Temple on your vacation list now.